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Thornton Page 4

  An idea occurred to Frankie, and she told her friend firmly, "You'll do nothing." Because if Frankie's plan worked, she'd get Thornton himself to make up for ghastly hot-and-cold behavior.

  But first, she needed another a certain person's help...

  Chapter Seven

  Ethan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Thornton's concentrated gaze fixed on his phone. For over one week already, his older brother had become a permanent fixture at breakfast, but Ethan knew better than to think Thornton was after his company.

  From six to ten in the morning, all Thornton would do, aside from consuming his breakfast with mechanical efficiency, was access his shop's real-time CCTV footage and watch Blake working. The man had it really bad, but because he knew of how the twins' conversation turned out, Ethan also knew that Thornton was convinced his attraction towards Blake would gradually wane with time.

  Ethan mentally shook his head. What. An. Idiot. If that were true at all, then he would have long gotten over Guila, with how the days they were apart vastly outnumbered the days they were together. And in the few instances they happened to be in the same continent, Ethan thought broodingly, most of their time was spent fighting rather than all the other things couples normally---


  Ethan's thoughts were cut short when he saw Arden from the cafe texting him.

  Arden: Heads up. Elizabeth says you might want to let your brother know that some good-looking dude came by earlier, asking for directions to the bookshop. Says he's a friend of B.

  Ethan: Will do. Thanks.

  He turned to his brother. "Thorn---"


  Ethan was bemused at the way Thornton's back suddenly shot straight in his seat just as his forehead creased in a frighteningly furious scowl. "What is it?"

  "There's some asshole at the shop," Thornton said tersely. "Blake---"

  "Knows him," Ethan finished.

  Thornton stared at him. "What?"

  "Arden texted me. Says a guy came by at the cafe asking for directions to your shop." While speaking, Ethan thought to take a peek at the real-time footage still playing on his brother's phone---


  Thornton saw the slight wince his younger brother made, and his gaze snapped back to his phone, just in time for him to see Blake pulling away from an embrace as she beamed up at the guy Ethan told him about.


  No, man, Ethan thought. What you mean is you're fucked. Because apparently, Blake was done waiting for his idiot brother to come to his senses.

  * * *

  "Knock knock." The voice was mocking but familiar, and she would recognize it anywhere. Her lips had already formed a smile as she looked up, and as expected, it was Curt Teller who had just come in. He was his usual gorgeous self and every inch the self-assured FBI agent with his slicked-back hair, dark glasses, and black suit.

  "Curt, oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" She was half-shrieking, half laughing, and all the while she was also quickly walking around the corner so she could throw her arms around her too-beautiful-for-words half-brother.

  Pulling back, he gave his only sibling a long and thorough look as Frankie's words echoed in his mind. It's her first taste of heartbreak. You need to go up and check on her, let her know that she shouldn't be pining away for undeserving jerks like her boss.

  Blake noticed the odd way Curt was looking at her. "What is it?"

  "Nothing." Or rather, Frankie had warned him not to let his little sister in on their plan, which was to make a certain guy jealous...enough to hopefully force him into acknowledging his feelings.

  And so for the rest of the day, Curt made sure to stick close to his sister, knowing that those who didn't know about their filial relationship would likely misread the situation and think he was her lover...or wanted to be one.

  At one point, they were eating lunch together when Curt saw bread crumbs on one corner of her mouth. A diabolical idea occurred to him then, and he shook his head, saying with mock disgust, "You still eat like a kid, B."


  Taking hold of a napkin, he reached forward to wipe the crumbs off, knowing how such a gesture would appear on CCTV.

  Curt stayed with his sister until closing time and insisted on waiting for her to finish locking up. When it was done, she told him apologetically, "I can't invite you in without my boss' permission, but if you let me know when you're coming next time---"

  "It's fine, B." Curt pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Call me when you need me."

  "I will."

  His gaze narrowed. "Like you didn't do when your grandmother had to sell her house and you had nowhere to go?"

  "You were undercover," she protested. "Letting you know about my problems could've distracted you and killed you---"

  "If that happened, then that would mean I had to be one of the most inept agents hired by the FBI," he told her dryly, " in which case death would be more preferable---"


  "I've already informed the nursing home to forward all her bills to my address---" He saw Blake open her mouth to argue and gave her a warning look, saying firmly, "Amanda and I might not be related by blood, but I owe her for taking care of you when I couldn't."

  "It just doesn't feel right," Blake shared unhappily. "You should spend it---"

  "My work is my life," Curt reminded her wryly. "I have no vices except for work, and there's nothing else I enjoy doing except work. So where else can I spend money on except on you two?"


  "No more arguments," he interrupted gruffly but with a squeeze of Blake's hand to soften his command. "I've got a red-eye flight to catch. Take care of yourself, you hear me?"

  "You don't have to worry about me. You know that."

  That might've been true before, but not anymore. She had always been a good kid, the kind that never questioned her grandmother's rules or even Curt's. But now that she was in love...who knew? Because of his line of work, he had seen people to do batshit crazy things all for the name of love, and he wasn't naïve enough to believe his baby sister would be the sole exception.

  While Curt was certain Blake would never be the type to inflict pain on someone else because of love, the chances of her being hurt by it...

  That was very much possible, which was why he was determined to find out all he could about this man she seemed so enamored with. If this Thornton Blackwood had any secrets that could hurt Blake, Curt would personally make sure his sister kicked him out of her life.

  Blake kept a smile pinned to her lips and waved goodbye as she watched Curt back his car out of the garage. It was only when his rental SUV had completely disappeared from view that she finally stopped acting altogether.

  She took a deep, shaky breath.

  And another.

  And another.

  And another.

  But it didn't help, and her eyes eventually started stinging.

  She cast a blurry gaze at her watch. Five forty-five. Which meant Curt had been here for almost the whole day, and there was no way for Thornton not to have seen them together.

  Just no way, Blake thought painfully, since Thornton had personally told her it was his habit to check the CCTV every so often when he was out. And since Curt being FBI and his mom being part of a witness protection program meant that their relationship as siblings was an extremely well-kept secret...

  Thornton would've no reason of thinking Curt was her brother. If he had seen her on CCTV with Curt, he would most have likely thought he was just some other guy.

  And he had done nothing about it.

  Chapter Eight

  It was already fifteen past one in the morning, and Blake still hadn't slept a wink. All she had been able to do was stare up at the ceiling and pretend it had the ability to think, talk, and - most importantly of all - empathize, the way Thornton-hating-Frankie could never do.

  So what do you think, Cei, Blake asked woefully. Since I haven't heard a sing
le peep from him, that's it, right? He's telling me loud and clear that he doesn't want me that way.

  If he doesn't want you, then what was it you've been seeing and feeling every time you managed to throw yourself at him? her imaginary friend argued. A banana in his pocket?

  Blake cast a shocked look at the ceiling. Cei! Such language!

  Oh, get off your high horse. The whole point of pretending I'm able to talk to you is to convince you there's still hope.

  Blake restlessly turned on her side. Is there?

  Two minutes later, and Blake was still mulling over what her imaginary best friend should say to this when a sound interrupted her thoughts. It was of a car coming up the driveway and the garage door rolling up---


  She was out of her bed in seconds and could only be bothered to get one arm into the sleeve of her night robe as she dashed out of the room. Past the garden, the first thing she saw were headlights beaming from...a police car?

  Oh God. Blake was instantly stricken with guilt. What if Thornton had gotten hurt, and that was the only reason he hadn't done a thing about her and Curt? Maybe he hadn't even had the chance to check the CCTV because---

  Thornton finally came into view, emerging from the side of the shop. He had his police chief twin on one side and his younger brother on the other, and both men were struggling to get a flushed-looking Thornton to walk.

  "What happened?"

  Although all three Blackwood brothers instantly came to a stop at her voice, their expressions varied greatly. Aidan sported a rather discomfited grimace while Ethan had a Cheshire grin on his face. Thornton, on the other hand---

  Blake gulped.

  The look in his eyes was deadly. Just so, so much fury in those dark eyes that for one moment she could really believe he led a double life as a secret assassin and the next person he intended to kill...was her.

  And yet...

  Underneath the rage---

  Oh God...

  Blake could feel her throat going dry as Thornton's black gaze kept hers captive.

  So much desire in those eyes, hungry and possessive, savage and scorching...

  "I can take it from here." Thornton's voice was a low, rough rasp, but not a single word was slurred and after exchanging glances, Ethan and Aidan slowly let go of their brother. Both of them expected Thornton to stumble right after, but instead their middle brother had no trouble remaining upright. It was as if seeing the girl he had been unwillingly obsessing over all these weeks had instantly cured him out of his intoxication---

  Thornton crooked a finger at Blake. "Come to me, woman."

  Or not.

  Blake didn't know what to do. On one hand, she was absolutely, hopelessly entranced by this new side of Thorn's, and every cell in her already-trembling bod was begging for her to submit to his command.

  But on the other hand, there was the undeniable fact that he wasn't exactly sober. What if doing what he asked, she thought anxiously, was tantamount to taking advantage of him?

  Thinking that Ethan or Aidan could tell her what was best to do, she turned towards them but wasn't even given the chance to get a single word out. The moment her gaze moved away, Thornton visibly bristled in aggression and his voice lashed out in a growl. "Don't!"

  Blake froze.

  "You can only look at me," Thornton gritted out. "Because I'm your man."

  And at this point, Ethan and Aidan could no longer keep it together. The youngest Blackwood was practically doubled over as he guffawed over his brother's words. The police chief, on the other hand, was doing a rather poor job disguising his snickers with a continuous bout of coughs.

  And throughout it, Thornton still hadn't stopped talking---

  "You're my woman, Blake. Never forget that! My woman!"

  Ethan took his phone out. This was just too good not to record, he thought with a smirk.

  "I'll kill any man who'd dare take you away from me. Fucking kill them. Fucking mean it. Gonna kill any sonuvabitch who thinks he can look at my Blake and get away with it."

  Aidan's ears were ringing. So this was what happened when you were the strong and silent type like his twin. Getting drunk was the only time those vocal chords were finally put to work, with the way Thornton was roaring his every word out.

  He was about to remark on this to Ethan when he saw his younger brother training his iPhone on a still-raging Thornton. "You know that's illegal, right?" Aidan felt obliged to point out.

  "I'm only doing this because Blake wants a copy of Thornton's first drunken confession," Ethan said innocently. "Right, Blake?"

  Blake, who had heard what Ethan said, could only nod fervently. Yes, oh, dear Lord, yes, she totally wanted a copy of---

  "Stop looking at other men," Thornton roared. "Can't I be enough for you?"


  Blake immediately turned to face Thornton again.

  "Because to me, you are."

  Blake could feel herself melting even as she heard Thornton's brothers start laughing again.

  "You're all I can think of these days."

  In the corner of her eye, she saw Ethan's shoulders shaking so bad, she had a feeling that the video he was recording would be as headache-inducing as a Paranormal Activity found-footage clip. She wished she could tell him to pretty please keep a steady hand while filming, but at that moment she was just a little too busy...

  Thornton was finally moving towards her, and the look in his eyes...oh, she could drown herself in those dark, burning pools of passion---

  Aidan noticed the purposeful way in which Thornton strode towards Blake. Damn. This was honestly the first time he and Ethan had seen their brother drunk, and they had no fucking idea what to expect. He knew Blake had some feelings for Thornton, but if she already had someone else, and Thornton ended up forcing a kiss on her---

  "Thornton." Aidan's tone held a quiet note of warning. "What are you planning to do?"

  "Remind my woman who she belongs to," Thornton snapped. "What else?"


  Aidan shot their youngest brother a look, and Ethan reluctantly stopped filming so both of them could stop Thornton before he did anything stupid. "Thornton," he said again.

  But it was as if his twin had already sensed his intention, and without warning, Thornton suddenly moved in a burst of speed.


  In a blink of an eye, Thornton stood right in front of Blake, and she could only stare wide-eyed as he slowly reached down to cup her face. Her breath caught, and in the corner of her eye, she saw his brothers stiffen, both men seemingly holding their breaths as well as they waited to see what Thornton was going to do next.

  If he tries to kiss her, and she's unwilling, I'm going to have to punch him, Aidan thought grimly.

  We should've just left him at the pub, Ethan thought gloomily. That way, he wouldn't have to worry about (pointlessly) getting another taste of Thornton's left hook, which had always been the meanest among them, even back when they were kids.

  While the brothers silently cursed their predicament, Blake's thoughts were running towards the opposite direction.

  Please let him kiss me. Please let him kiss me. Please, please, please let him kiss me.

  Thornton's dark eyes seared into hers. "You're mine, Blake."

  "Yes," she whispered. Yes, yes, yes!!!

  His head started to lower.

  Oh yes!

  Her eyes closed.

  Yes, yes, yes---

  But nothing happened.

  Nothing was happening.


  She opened her eyes.

  Just in time to see Thornton starting to sway.

  Chapter Nine

  Blake woke up in her bed with her heart beating like crazy. She remembered mostly everything that happened last night, but because every moment was too surreal for words, a part of her couldn't help wondering - maybe...maybe it was all just a dream?

  Today was the one day in the week that the shop was closed, and si
nce this also served as her off day, Blake took her time in the shower while she worked through her memories. Thornton's brothers had brought him home drunk, and apparently, Thornton under the influence had ten times more to say than sober Thornton normally did.

  He had been about to kiss her, too, she suddenly recalled, and her body jolted under the hot stream of water. She had been so excited for it, too, but then next thing she knew he had passed out, and his brothers practically had to carry him to his bed and get him changed.

  After that, Aidan and Ethan had spoken to her, apologizing for their brother's misbehavior and reminding her to call them for anything.

  'But why did he get drunk tonight? Did something happen?' she also remembered herself asking.

  To which, both men had stared at her incredulously.

  'You know he has remote access to the shop's CCTV, right?' Aidan had asked.

  'He saw you with that dude,' Ethan had continued, 'and that was it. He headed to the pub, started drinking, and we only realized he'd been there for the entire night when we got the call from the bartender.'

  Just remembering those words had her toes curling and feel like stars were starting to circle around her head, and Blake had to give herself several hard slaps to the cheeks just to stop herself from floating to la-la land.

  Don't assume anything. Don't assume anything. Don't assume anything.

  She repeated the warning over and over inside her head while scrubbing herself furiously with her favorite milk foam wash. She mustn't forget that just two weeks ago, she had convinced herself that a relationship between them was inevitable. But instead, the opposite had happened.

  So until she heard it straight from her beloved horse's mouth---

  Don't assume anything.

  * * *

  Thornton woke up feeling sick to the stomach. Shit. Shit. Shit. While he had been no monk in his teenage years, he had also never let himself lose control the way he had last night. Never. Which was why this morning was his first legitimate taste of a hangover---